Women's Ministry

Welcome to  the Beloved Sisterhood!

It is a joy and honor to serve the women of Arlington Assembly.  
I am so thankful to be a small part of what God is doing in our church family.

As women, we long for deep relationships, authenticity and a place where we can be understood and known. The Beloved Sisterhood was created to provide women an opportunity to develop genuine relationships with one another, while being rooted together through the scriptures and united in purpose. This is a safe space where women can be connected to our Heavenly Father and to each other as sisters in Christ.

We love deeply, we champion fiercely, and we lift one another up in the process!
Life's Better Together with your sisters...

You are Beloved Sister!

Blessings from Pastor Deya Spano

Summer Prayer Walks

Join us the last Tuesday evening  of the month during June, July & August for our Summer Prayer Walks!  We'll meet at the Gazebo in Legion Memorial Park at 7pm and walk/pray for various church needs and our community! Registration not required and treats will be shared afterward! Make sure to invite a girlfriend to join you!


A Little Pumpkin is On the Way! 
Help us shower our beloved Youth Pastor's Wife, Itzel, as Baby Bruland makes his entrance this October!
We can't wait to celebrate the arrival of this sweet little one!
OPEN HOUSE from 1pm-3pm for Ladies only, sorry gentlemen!

Welcome to the Sisterhood

Beloved Sisterhood merch Available

Follow us on social media.

"Women's Bible Study has been life changing.
A safe place to grow with the Lord and build relationships."

- Itzel

"Bible study is a time to connect with new friends, laugh, cry and pray together."

- Kim

"Bible study gets me deeper into God's Word and I have a closer walk with Him."

- Billie

"Bible study is a time to experience growth and water the seeds that have been planted."

- Olivia

"A vibrant community of genuine women that grow in God and have fun."

- Emily

"Bible study is a time to share in fellowship with women and be empowered in His Word."

- Rachel