Arlington  youth

Youth Service

Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM - 8 PM

Each week on Wednesday night, we come together for tons of fun, Bible teaching, and prayer. It is our desire that every student would encounter God’s presence, grow in their faith, and connect to life-giving relationships. 

Here's what you can expect.

Brock and Itzel Bruland

Youth Pastors
Brock and Itzel are native Washingtonians who joined the Pastoral staff in August of 2022 and are a joy to know and love. They have  a passion to build lasting relationships with students,  disciple this generation and  see God do powerful things in their lives.
The Brulands believe every student matters  and are worth investing in.  God has a purpose and special plan for every single young person, and they are so excited to be a part of what God wants to do in their lives.
More details to come!

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