Serve Teams

"It’s in Christ that we find out who we are (our identity) and
what we are living for (our purpose)."

- Ephesians 1:11

Kids Team

Our Kids Team creates a fun and safe environment for children (nursery through elementary) that helps them learn and experience God’s love.

Time Commitment and Expectations
13+ years of age
Background Check
Participation in quarterly meetings
Serve 1-2 times per month (3 hours each)

Youth Team

The Youth Team leads middle school and high school students into a growing and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ through services, groups, outreach opportunities, and events.

Time Commitment and Expectations
18+ years of age (must be out of high school)
Background Check
Participation in quarterly meetings
Serve 2 times per month (3 hours each)
1 Youth event per quarter

Greeters Team

The Greeters Team is one of the first impressions people have on both Jesus and the church. They have an opportunity to make the largest impact with the simplest action…a smile or a hug.

Time Commitment and Expectations
High School student or older
Participation in quarterly meetings
Serve 1-2 times per month (3 hours each)

Ushers Team

The Ushers Team warmly welcomes people and assists them with any needs while ensuring we have a safe, caring, and distraction-free worship environment where people are free to worship God and experience God’s love.

Time Commitment and Expectations
18+ years of age
Participation in quarterly meetings
Serve 1-2 times per month (3 hours each)

Coffee Team

The Hospitality Team creates a 5-star experience for people through the preparation and serving of coffee and refreshments during services.

Time Commitment and Expectations
Participation in quarterly meetings
Training provided for all skill levels
Serve 1-2 times per month (3 hours each)

Media Team

The Media Team uses their aptitude in technology to provide an engaging and worshipful experience during our services.

Time Commitment and Expectations
16 years or older
Good with technology (training provided for all skill levels)
Participation in quarterly meetings
Serve 1-2 times per month (3 hours each)
Available to attend Thursday evening rehearsals

Worship Team

The Worship Team offers their musical gifts and talents to the Lord by creating an environment where  people can experience the Presence of God. They lead the congregation in a way that connects them to the Holy Spirit, so they can receive peace and freedom as they engage in worship. Consistent  attendance for a minimum of 6 months is required to be considered for this team.

Time Commitment and Expectations
Submit Team Application 
Interview Required (by appointment)
Serve 1-2 Sundays a month (3 hours each)
Rehearsals weekly when scheduled ( roughly 1 hour)

Parking Team

The Parking Lot Team has the opportunity to make a positive first impression when people pull onto our campus. They provide assistance with parking, welcome guests, and keep the parking lot area safe.

Time Commitment and Expectations
High School student or older
Participation in quarterly meetings
Serve 1-2 times per month (1.5 hours each)

Grounds Team

The Grounds Team loves to get their hands dirty and spend time in the great outdoors. They help keep the exterior of the campus clean and manicured.

Time Commitment and Expectations
Middle School student or older
Participation in quarterly meetings
Serve 1-2 times per quarter (time ranges on project)